Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010 is here!!!

"Well the year 2009 is gone but not forgotten. There was a lot that had happen in 2009 and I made it through all with a positive attitude. “Thank God.” Baby Steps Photography is on the way to bigger, brighter things for 2010. I’m very happy and very blessed with all the people and things that surround me in my life. I’m looking forward to doing sessions with old and new clients. I have so much to share with the up coming events. I don’t even know were to start. But you will see them soon so look for new posts on blogs and up dates." 

I would like to give a special thanks to all my clients for their patients and the joy that they have brought into my life for 2009. I have enjoyed working with you and being a big part of your life. I thank the Mom’s most of all for allowing me and trusting me with their little new born. I hope to be a part of your life for the years to come. Thank you for your business…

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